Now then...

Today's post is going to be a little different.

One of my blogger friends Robyn, brought #LetsTalkAnxiety to my attention and in all honesty, I'm so glad she did, because I think it's an issue that is brushed aside far too often.

I think that I've had anxiety for an awful long time, years infact and it's only in the past couple of months that I've learnt to accept it, I truly believe that my anxiety has got better, it's still not great, but its better than it used to be.

I have found a lot of people don't even know what anxiety is, the definition of anxiety is:
"a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome."
Everyone at one point or another will have had a form of anxiety, it's human nature, whether you're nervous about talking to the girl/guy you have feelings for, or about a new job, or even if it comes down to how you feel about yourself - This is my story as such.

In all honesty, It's rare that I've felt that I've truly "fit in" - there's been a few rare occasions that I'm so incredibly greatful for and happy that I have now.
I've never felt like I've fit in, especially at school, a lot of people will probably agree with me when I say (as harsh as it may sound) there's always a handful of kids in every year, that everyone either finds a bit odd or people just take an instant dislike to. Unfortunately for me, I was one of them.

I was bullied pretty bad, maybe not as bad as others, but it left me with emotional scars that almost 10 years later I've only just come to terms with and until recently, made me lose sleep because I couldn't close my eyes without picturing certain horrible moments from my childhood. - Some just took an instant dislike to me, and for whatever reason, their friends followed in their footsteps soon after. - As much as I tried to be "normal" (but what is normal anyway?) I always ended tripping up and drawing attention to myself. Which often had bad consequences and the bullying got worse.
Even after seriously injuring myself in my first year of secondary school, something that was out of my control, I was teased, laughed at and mocked, because it was me, people found it almost hilarious. - Yet I always wonder, if it had been one of "the popular kids" as such, I could almost guarantee it would be a totally different story, I'm not going into what happened, but its left what could be a potentially permanent emotional scar.

A few people stuck up for me, but when there was just short of around 300 students in my year group, the bad comments outweighed the supportive ones and it was hard. - with dealing with the physical pain of my injuries, the emotional pain made it so much worse.
I already had problems before then with certain individuals, as I already mentioned, I never felt properly accepted until maybe towards the end of my fourth year of secondary school - when I found a group of friends that just seemed to get me. but even still, I've always panicked about what people think of me, I developed depression at one point and I've fought for attention in some ways and its not always worked out for me, especially socially, I've never been that great in social situations.

A lot of my friends now would probably say I come across as loud, confident and fun, which I'd say is 60% true, I'm a lot more confident now than I ever have been, but some of it is definitely a front, I feel like I've somewhat mastered putting on a different persona almost because I've always been afraid of being myself. - which is something that no person should EVER have to do. it's bloody awful.

Nowadays, I'm a lot better, I feel like I can be myself around certain people that I'm comfortable with, like my family, my close friends and certain acquaintances.
Others I can be calm and collected around but I may come across as quiet, all because inside, my head is going into overdrive because I'm afraid of being judged.

Unfortunately society nowadays is an awful place, there's judgement from every corner, good and bad and you can't really hide from it, but unfortunately, that's life, I'm learning to cope with it and like I said, I'm a lot better now than I have been, of course I have my down days but who doesn't?! 

I'm greatful for campaigns like "This Girl Can" - which encourages women, no matter who you are, what shape, size or background to love yourself and not be afraid whilst exercising and being who you want to be, I'm greatful for my family and friends who have seen me at my worst and stuck by me when I needed it most. and most of all, I'm greatful for myself being able to at least attempt to push all my fears and worries aside, because I need to love myself more and accept myself. - how am I supposed to let other people accept me if I don't accept myself? I'm setting myself up for failure with this frame of mind, which is why I do my best to push negativity out of my life where possible.

I hope my story (as such) really brings to light how important it is to love yourself, for your own sake and for those who love you, I also hope it represents all them kids who at school like me, were the kid that no one really took to, and were bullied to the point where they everyday, felt like they didn't want to go into school. ever.
 If I can leave it on a final summary it would be this, I appreciate some of these maybe easier said than done, but if we all did these, then we all have the potential to have a happier life!

Love yourself, no matter what.

It's hard but try not to worry what people think

Don't be afraid to talk about how you feel with someone you trust, it's better out than in!

You're doing a lot better than you think you are and nowadays confidence is key, I hope if you're currently struggling, then don't be afraid to speak out, it's more likely to do more good than bad.

Be sure to go and check out my friend Robyn's post on #LetsTalkAnxiety at Phases of Robyn - I'd appreciate it if you could share my post and spread the word on anxiety, its such an important issue and I hope that by me speaking out about my experiences, it could help someone and spread the awareness of depression and anxiety!

Until next time,

It's friday! It's finally the weekend!

Well, I'm having a wild night in, and when I say wild, I'm sat in bed before watching soaps before 8pm, I will be sure to calm my party animal ways down soon, I promise... ;) 
nah, 21 going on 93 here haha!

Anyway, I'm feeling a cosy relaxing night in is perfect after a long week! I've been coming up with ideas all week with the perfect way to relax!

One of my favourite ways is a lovely hot bubbly bath, with a touch of lush.

So not long ago myself and the lovely Kate headed to Lush and I came back with these!
The teardrop shaped item is a bubble bar called Sunnyside, which you can use multiple times, you can use it as well as or instead of bubble bath, I used it without bubble bath and honestly, you don't need it!

I used it with the blue bath bomb on the right called "Big Blue" and I bought the two together after a lush member of staff got very excited and showed me how to create "Mermaid Water" (her words not mine haha!) and it is honestly so pretty and relaxing! 

See! look how pretty it is! The Big blue has seaweed extract in it and is good for skin that needs a little tlc, plus an upside, it looks pretty.

The other yellow bathbomb in the photo is called the Fizzbanger, which I haven't tried yet, I'll have to let you know what I think when I do!

So what other what other ways can you have a relaxing night? some of you might enjoy a facemask (including me), some of you might have a glass of vino, or a bit of ice cream in front of the telly, whatever you're doing, it's important to have a bit of me time from time to time and to look after yourself!

Enjoy your friday night, whatever your doing, I'll post again soon.
Until then!

Thank you for the tag Libby! I enjoyed writing this up, was very relaxing for a sunday evening! Go and check out her blog, it's fab! Never Wears White :)

So here’s my list! I had a right laugh doing it! here is how you take part. Make a list of 10 things you love and 10 things you hate. Tag 10 fabulous bloggers that you love so they can take part and you’re done. easy!

1. My number one love and priority is of course my family, we may fall out and have disagreements but what family doesn't? They've supported me through my successes and failures and picked me up at my worst and celebrated with me at my best, I can't ask for much more than that, I'm incredibly lucky!

2. My friends are an incredibly close second, I would be nowhere without my lot putting up with my weird ways and general tomfoolery on a regular basis, so many laughs and good times that I am so so so greatful for, this includes my fab blogging friends that I've got to know over the past couple of months, you know who you all are, and you are fab (sorry for the soppiness ;p).

3. Chicken, all of my good friends will know how much I love chicken, I am partial to a "cheeky" (sorry) Nandos every now and again, not a single piece of chicken regretted... ever. I love chicken.

4. Makeup, It's my beauty mask and I looooove it, I love experimenting with it and I'm a self confessed Eyeliner queen (as such, if in doubt, wing it...). - My favourite brand is Smashbox, but I love Urban Decay eyeshadows and MAC lipsticks, taking on the world one MAC lipstick at a time (with my eyebrows on point... I hope...).

5. My phone, it's never far from the palm of my hand, it's my life saver, honestly, I feel more secure being able to contact my family and friends and maybe take the occasional (HA) selfie...

6. Comedy, I love to laugh, I spent a lot of time in the alternative tent at Leeds Festival this year watching different comedians including Chris Ramsey, Russell Kane, Milton Jones, Seann Walsh and more, I love a good laugh, actually going to see Chris Ramsey again next year and I can't wait!

7. Music - would not be anywhere, My spotify is full of playlists for any situation, my workout playlist full of inspirational and upbeat tunes (I'm not ashamed to say that the Rocky tune "Gonna Fly Now" is included in that one, It's so motivating ha.), some songs for when I'm feeling down or a little mad or just general playlists for when I'm driving and belting out an anthem or two, my guilty pleasure is definitely singing loudly and proudly in the car to the cheesiest of songs.

8. Friends... the TV show. It is my favourite show of all time and I could very nearly pretty much quote most episodes word for word, I shed a tear when I didn't tickets for Friends Fest in London, but I have been to the block of apartments in Greenwich Village New York and Central Perk in Liverpool, so that's something right? Plus, Chandler Bing is my spirit animal.

9. Lush, I've really got into Lush products recently, they are soooo nice! I love bathbombs and I'm slowly getting into more and more products, I just tried the 'Rosy Cheeks' facemask tonight and it's fab, my skin feels so soft now!

10. My Blog, I genuinely feel my confidence has improved and I've met so many fab people through Blogging, I've started my own Bloggers chat on a thursday night (#elbchat on Thursdays at 8! stands  for "Eat, Laugh Blog Chat"), I have a whatsapp chat with some of the nicest ladies ever and it's getting me back on track with my fitness and weightloss which is one of the main purposes of me starting the blog! It's one of the best things I've ever done!

Now for my hates... well ha!


1. Bullies. - One thing I can not stand is bullies or bullying, I suffered a lot of it throughout school and it brought my confidence right down, I'm better now but no one should ever have to feel like they are worthless.

2. Ignorance, I hate it, especially when a question is asked, ugh haha.

3. People who don't indicate. - When driving, that magic stick is there to let other drivers know where you're going, yeah? good. *insert irritated emoji here* ha.

4. Insects - especially spiders, I know they probably have a part to play a part in our world but it's a big no from me.

5. Those who try and push their opinions on others - If opinions are different, Lets all agree to disagree yes?

6. X Factor - It's been on too long now, it's boring and takes up time on the schedule that could be much better TV, plus can someone please tell me how Nick Grimshaw got a judges slot? I genuinely have no idea...

7. TOWIE - No.

8. Most vegetables - it's probably why I'm a little bigger in the first place, however, I eat more now than I ever have before but I'm still not really a fan to be honest.

9. Fashion - Not completely don't get me wrong, I love clothes and shopping, but I hate how most dresses are super short or how I can never find a really nice dress with long sleeves and a nice length that sits just below the knee! and how every shops sizes are different, If I took proper attention I'd be about 4 or 5 different sizes, I find that annoying!

10. Screamo music - sorry to all you guys that love it but really isn't my cup of tea, in fact it frightens me a bit ha! 

Well, that was fun! I hope I didn't sound too ranty, but if I did then hopefully my loves have cancelled it all out! (again, I hope haha!)

So, I'm going to tag these lovely gals! 

I've tagged these because they're all lovely and fab bloggers! give them a read! Hope you enjoyed reading my loves and hates and I can't wait to see what these guys come up with!


Evening all!

Well, it's the weekend, you made it! I'm having a chilled saturday night in with the dog (wild, I know!) hope you guys are having a fab weekend so far!

So what did I do yesterday? I bought a bike... yes.

Decent bike actually! Managed to bag it for £89.99 from Argos.
So earlier I went on my first ride out and here's a little insight!

Firstly, I wore a helmet, I may look a little silly but hey, safety first guys! xo
Let's maybe start with the pro's of my ride:
First of all, Girl had good views! Sometimes living out near the country isn't so bad. (ish, Definitely more of a city girl!)
other pros:
fresh air, not a (sometimes) stuffy gym!
good bit of exercise
Good way to spend half an hour (it was my first ride!)
I had my music in my ears, felt at peace!
Now, some of the cons...
OW. (my legs feel like jelly).
Flies are idiots. - *insert angry emoji face here*
Slight hills... (again, ow.)
my booty hurts (hoping this will get better over time)
The refreshing smell of... poo. - farmers fields...
I started off with a half hour ride with it being probably the first time I've cycled in about 5 years, I found it a little tough but with the right music in my ears and being out in the fresh air it was nice, looking forward to my next ride out :)
I'm considering investing in a GoPro camera at somepoint for cycling, so watch this space! 

So what else has been going on?

I've teamed up with the fabulous Coco and Bella boutique in Epworth to give away this fab "Call Me" clutch bag and the beautiful "Ciara" statement necklace!

Fancy a chance of winning? Head over to my instagram (@hayleygrice), all you have to do is follow myself and @cocoandbella_epworth and repost the photo with the hashtags #shiftmybootygiveaway and #cocoandbellagiveaway - Winner will be drawn on 30th September, so don't miss out! :)

On a Coco and Bella related note, I've bought some fab items from there recently, so watch out the next couple of days for my post on those items!

Hope to see you taking part in the giveaway and I'll post again soon!
Until then guys!

Now then,

Happy Monday! (I hope), today I've got back on the exercise wagon and I'm determined to push myself further!

I have my next goal now, I found out today I will be graduating from University in November and I would love to lose another stone before that time and look good in my graduation photo!
So that's just under 2 months, It won't be easy but I'll definitely give it a good go! As I want to look good in my graduation outfit too!

Today I had my first proper Personal Trainer session with Sian! who was absolutely fab, she really pushed me and gave me a lot of variety of cardio to get my heart racing and gave me a really good workout! Including interval training (ow) but that achey feeling after a decent workout feels so good! 

So warm up was 5 minutes steady cycling on the bike, then we had 10 minutes of interval training on the bike, so to begin with, it was 10 seconds of hard cycling, 20 seconds steady, 10 seconds hard cycling, 20 seconds steady etc... then 5 minutes in, we upped it to 20 seconds hard cycling for an extra push.

After that was treadmill work, bearing in mind I'm not great at running (I can't really do so because my knee is not in the greatest condition after dislocating it a couple of years ago!).
So walking on the treadmill at a speed of 3.0, increasing the incline every 30 seconds by 0.5, the incline got up to 10.0! which trust me, kills your calves!

Afterwards, we did between 5-10 minutes of step ups, which to be honest I was dreading but it wasn't that bad, definitely gave me a good push when I wasn't falling over the box (oops!).

Then squats and lunges whilst holding a 5kg weight, started with 10 squats and then 20 lunges (10 lunges per leg), we repeated this a couple of times then for a last time, I upped the squats up to 15! 

Then finally we did something I have always wanted to try and had never done before, boxing exercises!

 Did a series of straight, hook and uppercut punches in various speeds and quantities and it really got my heartrate going! as well as giving my arms an aching sensation, which must mean it was working!

I really enjoyed the boxing aspect as it was new and different to me, so I'm hoping to do some more of that soon :)!
I'm seeing Sian again next week for another PT session so watch this space! 

Thought I would share my "brunch" with you too!

 It was one warbuton thin (2 slices) with 3 scrambled eggs with ham, a variety of salad leaves and a tiny bit of mozzarella cheese.
Was a great balanced meal for after my work out and I'm looking forward to the achey stage afterwards!

My next post will be reviewing and showing a few bits off that I purchased from a little shop called Coco and Bella, how to love your body when you're trying to slim down and keeping your confidence at your best!
Until then,

Afternoon all!

It's wednesday, half way through the week, you're nearly there!
I thought I would share with you a review I have on a recent purchase!

 This is the "Infruition Sport" in red, and when I saw it, I couldn't wait to get it!
Although the delivery took a little longer than I expected but their customer service was fantastic when the issue arose! So that already ticks a massive box for me.

I went for red, but they also have it in yellow, green and blue.
Basically, it is a water bottle, but there is a little pod inside for you to put in chopped up fruit (or veg, whatever floats your boat!), The pod has thin holes in it for the water to extract the flavours of the fruit and it gives a natural flavoured water! 
Of course you if you haven't guessed already, (you probably have) this is the sports version for those on the go, there is a normal infruition water bottle they do too, so feel free to take a look here:

Now, what flavour water did I go for?

I've tried lemon water and strawberry water which were both really refreshing! But today I tried chopped up Strawberries and Blueberries and it was so so so nice! I can recommend this combination and I'm looking forward to trying different flavours and the best thing about it is that it is totally natural, which gives me all the more satisfaction.
If you have any other suggestions for flavours, then please let me know! I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

So, in a nutshell, Infruition is healthy, natural, practical and fab in general! Plus as I mentioned earlier, the customer service is great - which for me adds to a brilliant product.
Plus if you follow them on Twitter on @InfruitionWater - They tweet a lot of flavours to try, plus nutritional advice, including which Infruitition recipe is good for you whatever you're trying to achieve, plus exercise tips alongside your Infruition water, give them a follow! 

That's all for now, but until next time!

P.S - Please note, I am not paid or endorsed to promote Infruition Water in any shape or form.

Now then,

Apologies for the the silence but August was a very busy month for me! So what's been happening the past couple of weeks?

Well, I turned 21! Apparently this means that I'm a proper adult now... plus I can drink/gamble in America if I really wanted to haha...

I also spent this past bank holiday at Leeds Festival!

It was a fab weekend that I spent with 7 fab friends, I saw the likes of Mumford and Sons, Years and Years, Panic! At The Disco, All Time Low, Bastille, Lethal Bizzle, Catfish and The Bottlemen, Don Broco and much much more!

Those that know me incredibly well, probably know that I'm not the camping sort, or walking for that matter, but Leeds Fest included a lot of both and I pleasantly surprised myself with the camping side, I didn't have too much trouble sleeping, infact, all my friends can probably confirm that I slept too much if anything!

Unless you've been before, you've probably underestimated the distance between the campsites and the actual arena, I did... It's a long walk and I suggest you prepare yourselves with comfy, suitable footwear (Talking Wellies and Trainers here!) or something you don't mind getting a little bit muddy.
But seriously, I probably walked a minimum of 4 miles everyday whether that was to and from the campsite/arena, or the car and the campsite and it aches, it gets harder up that hill everyday but it is definitely worth it! Probably did me good considering I was missing the gym for a few days!

Now for the food. - For the tent we had mostly snacky stuff like cereal bars, mini boxes of cereal, crisps, pastry etc, but unfortunately you're not allowed to take food or drink into the arena, so if you get hungry, you're going to have to buy, which it is quite expensive, so take more money than you think you're going to need!

The main food highlight for me was a stall called "Ken's Barbi" - where I had an amazing grilled chicken and halloumi flatbread sandwich, it was £7 - but god it was worth it! - They're at @KensBarbi on twitter, check them out!

So what else did I get up to? A few pictures below will explain it all!

 The main stage at Leeds, like I said a massive trek, but worth it, saw some amazing acts on here and you can barely miss it! got pretty close to the front with Bastille, Panic! At The Disco and more!

 I attempted to embrace Festival Culture with a funky Bandana and some sunglasses, reckon I pulled it off?

 Me and Lucy took this whilst waiting for a few acts at main stage, I popped this photo on instagram and it was shown on screen at the main stage!

I had to take this photo because it looked so pretty! This was blue campsite not far from the main arena, we were camped in purple, so we had a bit more of a walk ha, but it was just starting to get dark and it looked so pretty!

And of course, I spent it with 7 fab friends who made the experience all the more enjoyable, whether we were playing daft games in the tent (FireTruck, Miss Mapleberry etc) haha, or singing "Leeds, You What, You What" at the top of our voices, or as Ryan liked to shout "Go Scunthorpe", or singing along to "Baby Shark" - which didn't really have any relevance, it was just a good laugh we had haha!

Just 4 of the other 7, unfortunately we didn't really get any full group photos! but L-R is Lucy, Louise, Ross, Ryan and Me, then there was Matty, Josh and Lee, massive thanks to you all for making my weekend and my 21st birthday great!
So that's my bank holiday in a nutshell, I'll be back with more exciting posts soon!
Until then!