Now then,

Once again, sorry for the no show post yesterday! Had a pretty busy day and then I topped it off with swimming with Beth last night, safe to say I woke up aching this morning ha!

I'll start with yesterdays food posts I guess :) 

Breakfast was Weetabix and Banana, which again, I've already featured - I promise I'll find something new to feature soon!

For lunch, it was a small portion of spaghetti bolognese with the carb free 'slim pasta' - the same range as the 'slim noodles' I tried when I first started this blog! - It was a satisfying and filling meal, which meant I could keep going before my tea/swim work out!

 Afterwards, as a little treat, my mum had made me some homemade ice cream, but not just any, it's literally made up of bananas and blueberries! whizzed up in my NutriBullet and then frozen, it's a bit like a sorbet, but I loved it! was a nice refreshing treat and it was quite warm yesterday :)

You could probably try it with most fruit(s) but the banana adds a good base for freezing and take it from me, it was delicious :)
 Even Alfie couldn't help but be interested!

Such a nosey dog!

Anyway, for tea last night, we had one of my favourite things ever, pulled pork! (amazing) - this took ALL DAY to cook in the slow cooker, but it was worth it!
I accompanied it with a salad, which included salad leaves (of some sort), strawberry pieces, kiwi pieces and a vingerette dressing - I know it sounds gross, but it actually goes well!

The pulled pork is amazing though.

So that was yesterday... today I must admit I've had a bit of a crappy day, I just feel a bit slow and like I'm not making much progress, that was earlier anyway, but its important to understand that EVERYONE, even the slimmest of us have our down days about our appearance and figure and the key is to keep going, which is why tonight I tried a 'BodyJam' class at my gym, honestly not my cup of tea but you have to try new things! and it doesn't hurt to give it a go once :)
But for breakfast, I had an omlette with parma ham and a tiiiiiiny bit of mozzarella - which was a good way to start the day.

Lunch was a warbutons thin with salmon and philedelphia, again - no photo (I do apologise!) 

Tonight for tea, we had loads of left over pulled pork, so I had some 50/50 white/wholegrain wraps, spinach and pulled pork and it was fab :)

 Doesn't look like much, but there was two of them! - but great as a filler for tea :)

Anyway - tomorrow morning I'll be in the gym again and I'll be updating you tomorrow night!
So until then,


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